- The Nine Key Concepts -
Scarcity - Choice - Efficiency - Equity - Economic Well-Being - Sustainability - Change - Interdependence - Intervention
- The Six Real World Issues -
IB Economics allows students to explore models and theories, and apply them through the lens of the following six real-world issues:
- How do consumers and producers make choices in trying to meet their economic objectives?
- When are markets unable to satisfy important economic objectives—and does government intervention help?
- Why does economic activity vary over time and why does this matter?
- How do governments manage their economy and how effective are their policies?
- Who are the winners and losers of the integration of the world’s economies?
- Why is economic development uneven?
- Real World Issue #1: Microeconomics -
How do consumers and producers make choices in trying to meet their economic objectives?
- Real World Issue #2: Microeconomics -
When are markets unable to satisfy important economic objectives—and does government intervention help?
- Real World Issue #1 in Macroeconomics -
Why does economic activity vary over time and why does this matter?
- Real World Issue #2 in Macroeconomics -
How do governments manage their economy and how effective are their policies?
-Real World Issue #1 in The Global Economy-
Who are the winners and losers of the integration of the world’s economies?
-Real World Issue #2 in The Global Economy-
Why is economic development uneven?