- The Nine Key Concepts -

Scarcity - Choice - Efficiency - Equity - Economic Well-Being - Sustainability -  Change - Interdependence - Intervention  

- The Six Real World Issues -

IB Economics allows students to explore models and theories, and apply them through the lens of the following six real-world issues:

  1. How do consumers and producers make choices in trying to meet their economic objectives? 
  2. When are markets unable to satisfy important economic objectives—and does government intervention help? 
  3. Why does economic activity vary over time and why does this matter? 
  4. How do governments manage their economy and how effective are their policies? 
  5. Who are the winners and losers of the integration of the world’s economies? 
  6. Why is economic development uneven?

- Real World Issue #1: Microeconomics -

How do consumers and producers make choices in trying to meet their economic objectives?

- Real World Issue #2: Microeconomics -

When are markets unable to satisfy important economic objectives—and does government intervention help?

- Real World Issue #1 in Macroeconomics -

Why does economic activity vary over time and why does this matter?

- Real World Issue #2 in Macroeconomics -

How do governments manage their economy and how effective are their policies?

-Real World Issue #1 in The Global Economy-

Who are the winners and losers of the integration of the world’s economies?

-Real World Issue #2 in The Global Economy-

Why is economic development uneven?