Microeconomics School Membership
90+ Video Lessons | IB Lesson Specific Slides | IB Instructor’s Notes | IB Key Terms & Vocabulary | IB Exam Practice Questions | IB Student Discussions| Fully Updated!
Welcome to Microeconomics!
The Nine Central Themes of IB Economics - A Reminder!
Real-World Issue #1: How do consumers and producers make choices in trying to meet their economic objectives?
Key Terms and Concepts: Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
Lesson 1: Introduction to Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
Lesson 2: The Law of Demand
Lesson 3: The Determinants of Demand
Lesson 4: The Law of Supply
Lesson 5: The Determinants of Supply
Lesson 6: The Rule of 11: The Basic Demand and Supply Diagram
Study Break!
Lesson 7: Market Equilibrium
Lesson 8: The Effects of Shifts of Demand and Supply
Lesson 9: The Role of Price Mechanism
Lesson 10: Market and Allocative Efficiency
Lesson 11: Closing Remarks on Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
Review Questions: Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
IB Exam Practice Questions: Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
Lesson 1: Introduction Behavioral Economics - A Critique of Rational Economic Thought (HL Topic)
Lesson 2: Assumptions of Neoclassical View of Economics (HL Topic)
Lesson 3: Introduction to Behavioral Economics (HL Topic)
Lesson 4: Behavioral Economics - Critique of Consumers' Rational Thinking (HL Topic)
Lesson 5: Behavioral Economics - The Dual System Model (HL Topic)
Lesson 6: Behavioral Economics - Cognitive Biases (HL Topic)
Lesson 7: Behavioral Economics - Choice Architecture (HL Topic)
Lesson 8: Behavioral Economics - Nudge Theory (HL Topic)
Lesson 9: Closing Remarks on Behavioral Economics (HL Topic)
Lesson 1: Elasticities: Introduction and Overview
Lesson 2: Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)
Lesson 3: Price Elasticity of Demand: Applications
Lesson 4: Price Elasticity of Demand: The Diagram
Lesson 5: Price Elasticity of Demand: Determinants
Lesson 6: Cross Elasticity of Demand (XED)*
Lesson 7: Income Elasticity of Demand (YED)
Lesson 8: Importance of Income Elasticity of Demand (HL Topic)
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Lesson 9: Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)
Lesson 10: Price Elasticity of Supply: Applications
Lesson 11: Price Elasticity of Supply: Determinants
Lesson 12: Closing Remarks on Elasticity
Key Terms and Concepts: Elasticities
Review Questions: Elasticities
IB Exam Practice Questions: Elasticities
Real-World Issue #2: When are markets unable to satisfy important economic objectives—and does government intervention help?
Lesson 1: Introduction to Government Intervention
Lesson 2: Indirect Taxes
Lesson 3: Indirect Tax Diagram
Lesson 4: Per-Unit Subsidies
Lesson 5: Per-Unit Subsidy Diagram
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Lesson 6: Price Controls: Introduction
Lesson 7: Price Ceiling Diagram
Lesson 8: Price Floor Diagram
Lesson 9: Closing Remarks on Government Intervention
Key Terms and Concepts: Government Intervention
Review Questions: Government Intervention
IB Exam Practice Questions: Government Intervention
Lesson 1: Introduction to Market Failure
Lesson 2: Market and Allocative Efficiency
Lesson 3: Market Failure Base Diagram
Lesson 4: Negative Externality of Consumption: The Diagram
Lesson 5: Negative Externality of Consumption: The Solutions
Lesson 6: Negative Externality of Production: The Diagram
Lesson 7: Negative Externalities of Production: The Solutions
Lesson 8: Positive Externality of Consumption: The Diagram
Lesson 9: Positive Externality of Consumption: The Solutions
Lesson 10: Positive Externality of Production: The Diagram
Lesson 11: Positive Externality of Production: The Solutions
Lesson 12: Common Access Resources
Lesson 13: Closing Remarks on Market Failure
Key Terms and Concepts: Market Failure
Review Questions: Market Failure
IB Exam Practice Questions: Market Failure
The Basic Demand and Supply Diagram: The Rule of 11
Market Equilibrium: Market and Allocative Efficiency
Elasticity: Price Elasticity of Demand -- The Diagram
Government Intervention: The Indirect Tax Diagram
Government Intervention: The Per-Unit Subsidy Diagram
Government Intervention: The Price Ceiling Diagram
Government Intervention: The Price Floor Diagram
Market Failure: The Market Failure Base Diagram
Market Failure: The Negative Externality of Consumption Diagram
Market Failure: The Negative Externality of Production Diagram
Market Failure: The Positive Externality of Consumption Diagram
Market Failure: The Positive Externality of Production Diagram