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The Teacher Training Program is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for both NEW and EXPERIENCED IB Economics teachers.
This is semester-long intensive training program will enroll you in all of the Live Teacher Workshops this semester—The Internal Assessment, The Understanding IB Assessments, and The Extended Essay Teacher Workshops. Plus, The Teaching Market Power, Teaching Macroeconomics, and Teaching The Global Economy On-Demand Teacher Workshops.
The Training Program will also provide you with four hours of one-on-one teacher mentoring.
In addition, teachers enrolled in this program will receive an Annual Teacher’s Membership to the website, a Teacher Resource eBook of choice, and inclusion in the “Global IB Economics Department” via WhatsApp.
All told, the IB Economics Teacher Training Program is $2,325 worth of value for only $1497.
The goal is to end the isolation felt by so many IB Economics teachers around the world by connecting them with one another, empowering them in their craft of teaching, thus allowing them to excel in the classroom.
This entire program is designed to fill the gap between what the IB expects us to do and how to actually do it in the classroom!
All workshops and trainings are via Zoom to allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home or classroom.
Be sure to check below for all of the details--everything you see is included in the program.
All attendees will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program.
A One-of-a-Kind IB Economics Training Experience!
Sunday, September 8th, 2024
Sunday, October 6th, 2024
Sunday, November 10th, 2024
On-Demand Teacher Workshop
On-Demand Teacher Workshop
On-Demand Teacher Workshop
A One-of-a-Kind IB Economics Training Experience!
Hear it straight from IB teachers who attended previous workshops!
“Best value for money IB course in the market. If you are realtively new in delivering the IB Economics course, your students will see a marked improvement in your delivery of the content from week 1 and will thank you for taking the course! Also, a great opportunity to meet fellow IB Economic teachers from around the world who are committed to improving the classroom learning experience of Economics for their students, as well as help foster a life long interest in the subject.”
“As a new Economics teacher, I was struggling to find the right pace while trying to fill the gap between what IB wanted students to know and what I needed to do as a teacher to facilitate this so my students would be well prepared for their exams. I had many questions - do I teach everything? how do I support my students so they not only know the content, the diagrams, the facts but have those critical skills to be able to analyse and evaluate with conviction? how do I know my IA marking is on par with the IB examiners? Not only I got answers to these questions, during the workshop I've also gained valuable skills and resources to teach confidently. Thanks to Brad, I feel my students are now well supported to not only succeed in their exams but become knowledgeable and critical thinker economists. ”
“The Launching the School Year workshop was immensely helpful in ramping up for the school year. Having never taught IB DP Economics before, I entered the course not knowing where to begin or what to focus on. I felt like I learned, in four weeks, what it might otherwise take me three years to figure out on my own. The workshop not only laid out a clear architecture for thinking about the course; it also gave me ways to think and talk about and plan for the course that I could put to use with my students immediately. ”
“I thoroughly recommend Brad’s workshops both for teachers new to IB economics and for those with a few years under their belt. The workshops are well organised and allow for active participation by participants. I have come away with fresh ideas of how to organise the material and have implemented many of them already. ”
“This is an ideal course for anyone who is starting to teach IB economics, whether they are familiar with the IB and not Economics, or familiar with Economics but not the IB. Brad covers every aspect of the course. Gives very useful and practical advice on how to teach, allocate time according to the topics and skills.”
“I am so glad that I attended Brad Cartwright’s IB Extended Essay Workshop, since it was insightful, informative, and useful. His practical, specific, and encouraging approach really outlined the role of the supervisor and how to guide the student to his/her best abilities. Thank you for showing us “what and how” we can bridge the objectives of the tasks and the mark scheme. I would absolutely recommend this, and all of his other workshops, whether you are a new or experienced IB teacher. ”
“This workshop wasn’t “extra” for my professional development, I would say it was ESSENTIAL! As someone new to the IB curriculum and to teaching Economics the workshop covered all of the vital concepts I needed to know to survive my first semester of teaching. Your workshop contained high quality content that was delivered with passion and a genuine desire to share your knowledge and to present it in a way that becomes useful to teachers even with varying levels of experience. In terms of what we covered and were able I am so glad that I attended Brad Cartwright’s IB Extended Essay Workshop, since it was insightful, informative, and useful. His practical, specific, and encouraging approach really outlined the role of the supervisor and how to guide the student to his/her best abilities. Thank you for showing us “what and how” we can bridge the objectives of the tasks and the mark scheme. I would absolutely recommend this, and all of his other workshops, whether you are a new or experienced IB teacher. to achieve in only 2 days, the workshop exceeded all of my expectations. The pace was fast but reasonable. You answered every question with grace, simplicity, and absolute competence demonstrating your mastery in the field. I loved your energy, passion, and generosity as a facilitator- and it is clear that it is your mission to help us become the best teachers we can be. ”
“your level of experience teaching IB Economics. The biggest problem that the majority of us face as IB teachers is the lack of certainty of what and how to guide the EE process. Brad’s style of delivery is clear and well paced, and he provided us with solid strategies and resources to guide our students through the Extended Essay process. Another thing that Brad did was that he assumed zero prior knowledge. I loved this, because as a new IB Economics teacher I have felt a bit overwhelmed in the other workshops I’ve attended. The fact that he explained each area of the Extended Essay process in a non-judgemental way made it easy for everyone to ask any question that they wanted. Finally, it comes clear as day that Brad really cares. IB teachers need support, understanding and guidance, not judgement and ridicule. I got so much peace of mind from this workshop and left feeling empowered to guide my students. ”
“Brad’s workshop was just what I needed when teaching Market Power. He clearly explained IB expectations, had great teaching strategies, and shared resources that I immediately used in the classroom. Plus, it was super enjoyable, because Brad is a remarkable person and dedicated professional. I highly recommend his teacher workshops and all of his online materials -- they are very helpful! ”
“The most helpful part of Brad’s workshop was the clarity on the structure of the Internal Assessment and the best type of articles to use to get the most out of the IA commentary. I was very grateful for Brad’s continuous ability to answer my questions throughout to ensure that I fully understood what was being communicated and could challenge some of my current practices. Even though the workshop was full, the session was very interactive and felt almost personalized. ”
“I can say without reservation that this was the best IB workshop I have ever attended. Not only was it completely beneficial in meeting my needs, but Brad’s relaxed and enthusiastic approach allayed many of the concerns I have as a first year IB Economics teacher. ”
“The best part of Brad’s Internal Assessment workshop was the practical and easily actionable step-by-step approach he took us through. It was very much a “how to” workshop that cut through unnecessary material and explained to us exactly how to guide students through the Internal Assessment process. It was a very powerful and empowering workshop. I highly recommend any of Brad’s teacher workshops! ”